Matthew Modine, Diana Rigg, Aisling O'Sullivan, Andrew Scott
Directed by Paul Unwin
Rating: D
Christopher Newman (Modine) is an American who travels to France a fresh start after the Civil War has ended in America. Many of the French refer to Newman as "The American" who is ignorant to the French customs and is searching for a wife. Newman sets his eyes on unattainable Claire Bellegarde (O'Sullivan), who's old family name prevents her from marrying just anyone. The Bellegarde's live a proud life, where everyone knows to leave them in peace.
"The American" does not give a good first impression at the start. The film is cheaply made, which may be a result of it being a product of PBS Pictures. The film is "supposed" to take place in France but none of the area in which the film takes place looks it. Everyone in the film has an accent other than France, so where are the French people of the film?
Christopher Newman, the main character, who is snobbish and because he has money, thinks he can get what he wants. He's determined to speak to Claire and gets her brother, Valentin (Scott), to help. There was nothing admirable about Newman, except maybe that he wouldn't give up on Claire when she admits she loves him.
The only reason I watched this film was for Andrew Scott, who's character is a little reckless. He's tired of living the life his family is used to and is the rebellious one in the family. This wasn't the best role Scott has played but if you're as infatuated with him as I am at the moment, then he makes it worth watching at least once in your life. I don't recommend this movie for anyone to watch unless you're trying to watch all the Andrew Scott movies. At least "The American" isn't a long movie and the ridiculous ending makes up for it.