Saturday, March 5, 2011

Wristcutters: A Love Story

Patrick Fugit, Shea Whigham, Shannyn Sossamon
Directed by Goran Dukic
Rating: 4 stars

Zia (Patrick Fugit) is in love. When his love Desiree (Leslie Bibb) leaves him, he decides to kill himself. Zia finds himself trapped in a land similar to being stuck in limbo. He lives a boring life in a land of the people who have killed himself. He makes friends with Eugene (Shea Whigham). When he hears that Desiree has killed herself, he is filled with hope that he will be able to find her. So he goes on a trip to a place he's unsure of but takes Eugene with him. Along the way the pickup a hitch-hiker, Mikal (Shannyn Sossamon), who is looking for the People in Charge because she died by accident. Eventually the reach a camp of people who can do some extraordinary things and Zia is still looking for Desiree. Eventually he finds her but realizes that a part of him has feelings for Mikal. However, Mikal found the People in Charge and she leaves Zia behind. I'll let the ending be a surprise for you though.

This movie was very... interesting to say the least. I didn't know how I felt about it at first and thought it deserved a rating of three instead of four. Wristcutters: A Love Story is just one of those movies where you have to let it sit in your mind for a while before realizing that it was actually a pretty good movie. While I was watching it, I couldn't help but think it was kind of weird and not that great. After sleeping on it, the more I thought about, the more I wanted to see it again. Shannyn Sossamon plays the role of a quirky girl who can sometimes be annoying while Patrick Fugit plays a sort of lifeless role. That's what the movie has a feel of: lifeless. It's not exciting, it's actually sort of dull. I wouldn't recommend this movie for people who like fast-paced, action-packed movies. If you don't mind watching a slow movie all the way to the end, then I would recommend this movie to you. If you're bored and looking for a movie to fill the time, I would say that you should give Wristcutters a chance.

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