Saturday, November 19, 2011

Batman Begins

Christian Bale, Liam Neeson, Michael Cain, Katie Holmes, Cillian Murphy, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman
Directed by Christopher Nolan
Rating: A-

The first of the Batman trilogy, Batman Begins pulls you in to the secret life of Bruce Wayne (Bale). Upon being released from a prison in Asia Henri Ducard (Neeson) goes to speak to Wayne, convincing him to train  to fight against evil. Wayne goes home to Gotham to find it in the same thug-controlled environment he left it in. Dr. Crane (Murphy) is working with villain Ra's Al Ghul to take over Gotham with an intoxicating hallucinogen. Lucius Fox (Freeman) works at Wayne Enterprises and helps order material for Wayne to use as Batman. However, Wayne has to use his millionaire persona to dissuade people from getting any notion that he is the masked vigilante "Batman".

Christopher Nolan is a mastermind at making movies. From Memento to Inception to the Batman trilogy, Nolan has audiences flocking to the theaters to see his latest hit film. What makes these films brilliant is not only the choice of cast, the acting believability, but the intricate plot that has the mind spinning. What makes Batman Begins so good is how viewers get to see what makes Batman tick. Wayne lost his parents to a mugger who took their lives outside of an opera. Wayne never kills his enemies; murder is the last thing he wants to do. All Wayne wants is justice and to clean up the city his father tried to build.

Batman Begins is a movie for all audiences in general. Not that parents would take their five-year-old to see this but it's safe enough for an eight or ten year old to see. After watching this movie, viewers begin to anticipate the next two movies and the sequel The Dark Knight does not disappoint.

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